The Seanad Public Consultation held its first public hearings on the 16th of November, on its consultation on the Future of Local Democracy.
As an integral part of the consultation process, the Committee interacted with representative bodies of councilors, including the Association of Irish Local Government and the Local Authority Members Association. These engagements provided insights into the key issues affecting local governance in Ireland.
Moreover, the Committee delved into the model of local governance in Northern Ireland by consulting with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association and the National Association of Councilors – Northern Ireland Region. This comparative analysis added depth to the examination of local democracy.
Further interaction occurred with the Cathaoirligh of local authorities and individual councilors, who submitted their perspectives to the Committee, particularly focusing on Ireland's Midlands and North-West regions.
Prior to the meeting, Senator Mark Daly, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Committee, emphasized the significance of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLRAE) Report on the Monitoring of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Ireland. The report underscored that local governance in Ireland is comparatively weaker than in many other European nations.
Senator Daly expressed gratitude on behalf of the Committee to all those who contributed submissions on this crucial matter. Moving forward, the Committee eagerly anticipates embarking on the next phase of the consultation process. Recognizing the pivotal role of local governance in Irish public life, the Committee is deeply troubled by the recent report's findings.
“On behalf of the Committee, I wish to express my sincerest thanks to all who have taken the time to make a submission on this very important topic. We are now moving to the next stage of the consultation process and very much look forward to beginning this valuable part of our work. Local government represents a central aspect of public life in Ireland, and with this in mind, the Committee is deeply concerned about the findings of the recent report.”
Senator Shane Cassells, the Rapporteur for the consultation, emphasized the objective of the forthcoming hearings: to build upon the ideas presented in submissions and to explore new insights from interested parties. Senators eagerly anticipate engaging in constructive discussions, particularly welcoming input from colleagues representing the island's northern regions.
The Committee plans to conduct additional public hearings with the aim of formulating recommendations. These recommendations will be published in a report in due course.
As an integral part of the consultation process, the Committee interacted with representative bodies of councilors, including the Association of Irish Local Government and the Local Authority Members Association. These engagements provided insights into the key issues affecting local governance in Ireland.
Moreover, the Committee delved into the model of local governance in Northern Ireland by consulting with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association and the National Association of Councilors – Northern Ireland Region. This comparative analysis added depth to the examination of local democracy.
Further interaction occurred with the Cathaoirligh of local authorities and individual councilors, who submitted their perspectives to the Committee, particularly focusing on Ireland's Midlands and North-West regions.
Prior to the meeting, Senator Mark Daly, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Committee, emphasized the significance of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLRAE) Report on the Monitoring of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Ireland. The report underscored that local governance in Ireland is comparatively weaker than in many other European nations.
Senator Daly expressed gratitude on behalf of the Committee to all those who contributed submissions on this crucial matter. Moving forward, the Committee eagerly anticipates embarking on the next phase of the consultation process. Recognizing the pivotal role of local governance in Irish public life, the Committee is deeply troubled by the recent report's findings.
“On behalf of the Committee, I wish to express my sincerest thanks to all who have taken the time to make a submission on this very important topic. We are now moving to the next stage of the consultation process and very much look forward to beginning this valuable part of our work. Local government represents a central aspect of public life in Ireland, and with this in mind, the Committee is deeply concerned about the findings of the recent report.”
Senator Shane Cassells, the Rapporteur for the consultation, emphasized the objective of the forthcoming hearings: to build upon the ideas presented in submissions and to explore new insights from interested parties. Senators eagerly anticipate engaging in constructive discussions, particularly welcoming input from colleagues representing the island's northern regions.
The Committee plans to conduct additional public hearings with the aim of formulating recommendations. These recommendations will be published in a report in due course.