seanad 100: women in the seanad
Senator Daly and former Cathaoirleach Tras Honan launched “Women in the Seanad” exhibition, in July 2022, as part of Seanad 100: Minority Voices, Major Changes. The exhibition highlights the lives and work of women senators who have championed minority issues since the first sitting of the Seanad in 1922.
“Our Seanad 100 commemoration aims to showcase the unique role that Seanad Éireann – and so many members – have played in helping to shape our country. Ensuring that women are no longer a minority voice in Irish politics and in Irish life has been a major change doggedly pursued by members of the Seanad. This exhibition captures many of those women senators who used their position to campaign for equality over the past 100 years. The featured senators approached their quest to achieve this from a range of political perspectives, each using their seat to progress the essential need for women to be respected as an equal voice in politics and in society in Ireland." |